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Old 06-05-18, 04:39 PM   #1
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Default T - Junctions

More Tactical Candy...

T intersections or junctions can be challenging obstacles since your team may become compromised from at least 3 different directions--more if there are uncleared doors within that T junction.

It's very important to handle these intersections properly and with due consideration to coverage.

As your team approaches the T, the point and coverman should take opposite sides of the hall and scan as much of the area to each side as possible without anyone breaking the plane of the intersection. No need to let potential threats know your position. Press this advantage for all it's worth.

If necessary, the 3rd man can cover the 12 or any doorway visible to him that is across the head of the T. The 4th and 5th are covering doors and hallway area behind the front 3 to keep the rear secure.

If point or cover have any contacts, just like with a regular corner, they should call out. If the tango doesn't know you are there, do not make him aware of your presence until the EL has decided what is to be done.

If a tacaid is necessary, the 3rd man can deploy it depending upon which man reported the contact. The point and coverman should not deploy tacaids since they are protecting the front from a potential roaming or curious tango.

If the tango is facing away, you may be able to rush the side just like handling a corner. Using at least 2 people, most likely involving the 3rd man, take the corner and shout compliance. Be sure you are ready to fire if the tango turns to face your team! In this case, the person on the near corner hooks around while crouched so the 3rd man can cover over top allowing for 2 guns on the tango almost immediately.

If you believe it's not likely you would get compliance, deploying a tacaid is preferred. When deploying a tacaid, there is a change of assignment. Once the tacaid is deployed by the 3rd man, he will need time to re-equip his weapon. In this case, the man on the near corner will stand and move toward the side of the threat, but he will cross the hall under cover of the diversionary device. The 3rd man will re-equip and take up a position on the near corner. Again, you have 2 guns on the stunned tango and no concerns about crossing firelines.

The pointman will now decide whether to fire or approach and make an attempt to gain compliance through a melee or less-lethal, if available. (SAS point men do not clear rooms or attack corners with less-lethal. If less lethal is to be carried, it's the 2nd man to the engagement that will deploy that equipment) Take care not to block the coverman's view of the tango while attempting to gain compliance. The coverman ensures the pointman's safety. Essentially, do not straight-line the tango during compliance, melee, or handcuffing.

If there are potential threats in both directions and you use a tacaid, the 1 and 3 are partnered and will assault the same side. The same goes for the 2 and 4 men--they will assault the opposite side from 1 and 3 using the same tactics mentioned above.

The rear guard will collapse to the T junction while still covering doors and hall space to the team's 6 o'clock.
Lt.Col 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Commanding Officer--Retired

Last edited by SAS_Random; 07-05-18 at 11:53 PM.
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