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Old 13-06-19, 07:24 PM   #7
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STO is a somewhat traditional MMO, with DPS, healers and tanks. It has a combo of ground and space battles. Mostly single player, but there is group content and even big group content and a little section for PVP if that's your thing. You can team up though with buddies at any point of game play of up to a 5 man team.

Other than the fact that it is based in the Star Trek universe and has references to all cannon TV shows, from the original, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT and even discovery, the thing that got me is many MMOs look cartoony and have sad graphics. STO was the first one that put out the best graphics (just in a MMO category of games) and still has the best imo. Mb Eve Online can compete and if Star Citizen ever comes out, will likely put STO to shame as it did come out in 2010. Another cool aspect is, many MMOs make you pay a monthly subscription and STO is 100% free to play. You can fully enjoy it without ever spending a penny of real money. If you have the time and patience to save up the appropriate in-game resources, there's no need to spend real money. However, it is an option

Here are some screens from peeps in the UFP and google:

Last edited by Michael; 13-06-19 at 08:02 PM.
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