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Old 23-04-18, 11:22 AM   #14
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Another thing about optiwand usage is that people that use them often are not being considerate of others during its usage. A door or corner can be optiwanded in about 5 seconds. Get it down, sweep the room, type a short abbreviated sitrep that lasts perhaps another 5-10 secs of game time, leader decides strategy, team acts. Make generic keybinds or keep the sitrep brief. There is such a thing as too much information...which i can type as TMI to save time

Pro: 1s 9 facing no CS
Pro: 2s L nfacing R facing 1c down R
Pro: 1s nfacing no c2

Same scenarios...this is an exaggeration for effect, but you get the idea. Some people will wand every f'ing door and take 30-45 seconds doing it. Some will also do it without being ordered, which is super annoying. The leader dictates pace of play and not the nab with the opti and heavy armor who cuts in front of the element and whips out the optiwand.

OptiNab: 1 suspect at 9 partially facing with an AK body armor and a gas mask. he appears to be left handed and have a speech impediment...wait he started walking....nevermind, he's coming back
OptiNab: 2 suspects...the one on the left is about 2 meters he's closer to 2.5 meters away and not facing the entry the other one is on the left facing the door at 5 meters. there is a suspect on the ground to the right at 7 meters wearing blue jeans and an ugly T shirt...I think he has brown hair. There is blood on the floor...
OptiNab: 1 suspect near door, no C2 he's favoring the UMP today...he's patrolling and appears to have a limp. be advised he's about 2 meters tall and looks like Jason Vorhees.
Lt.Col 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Commanding Officer--Retired

Last edited by SAS_Random; 23-04-18 at 11:24 AM.
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