Thread: [Swat 4] SWAT4: SEF Mod
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Old 09-02-18, 04:16 PM   #1
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Default SWAT4: SEF Mod

Maybe some of you have heard of this mod already. If not, you should definitely test it

"SWAT: Elite Force" is a Swat4:TSS mod that might be interesting for campaign and coop players especially.
The mod has been developed by eezstreet and was released in 2016.

It is a massive overhaul of the game, aimed to solve the biggest flaws of the vanilla version and giving a more realistic experience.

Most important features:
- Original Campaigns from Swat4 and Swat4:TSS, plus a new campaign (including Permadeath-option)
- restored cut content (traps, new dialog, new equipment and cut missions)
- Improved AI
- Less-Lethal can actually hurt and incapacitate persons
- new weight and bulk system (heavy gun or many tac-aids will slow you down)
- Optional ironsights

NOTE: SEF mod does not replace any files; install it by making a new 'SEF' folder in your Swat4 main directory.
The folders in your Swat directory should look like this:
- Content
- ContentExpansion

If installed correctly, normal game won't be affected and if you don't like the mod, you can easily free your diskspace again by removing the SEF folder.
The mod is still in development and version 7 is in the making now. Im sure the devs will be glad about feedback and suggestions for improvement!

Version v6 base
Update v6 to v6.4 (most recent version)

Start the SEF mod via "LaunchSEF.bat" inside the SEF folder!

Info update:

Currently there are 4-5 public servers running the 6.4 version of the mod. So if you wanna take a look at coop mechanics and new GUI features you can do this.

Either add the IPs to your LaunchSEF.bat (inside SEF folder)
- open bat file with the Editor/Notepad
- near the end of the file (at line with the Swat4X.exe) add the IP adress and port
like this:

CD .\System\

REM Tell the user that the game has exited

ECHO SWAT: Elite Force has exited

Download this serverlist fix:

I highly recommend using this fix (replaces Engine.dll in Swat4 folder), with this you can use the ingame server browser to join SEF servers and it works with normal Swat4 as well (also it does not have any bugs, like the Markmods fix).
From my experience, the browser version (Chrome, Firefox, Opera etc) of, does not always display all the available servers, whereas the ingame browser displays everything immediately.

Available servers:
SEF-Server List @
EU Official >>
NA Official >>

To get more info on the mod and download available updates, check out the moddb page

To get in touch with the developers you might also visit the SEF channel on discord

"Um... just one more thing..."

Last edited by Columbo; 01-02-19 at 10:04 PM. Reason: Info Update
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