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08-10, 16:30 sander
been playing the Ready or Not alpha some times, it has real good potential, IA is not the best yet and solo is hard if you don't play alot. i realy hate that they have a NDA on the alpha.
07-10, 13:39 SpyInBlack
SQUAD isn't the bad game. Looks really good and fun, but its more of a open area tactical shooter. Something like Arma.
07-10, 01:12 Castner
Nvm, I took a quick look.. Went through a review for the game and picked it up. Can't go wrong when its less than £10, I've also given it a go solo and love how brutal the AI is.
06-10, 23:31 Castner
Ah, I don't know how I missed this game - it looks interesting. Have you guys bought in to the Early Access yet?
06-10, 04:28 Ninwes
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1359090/Zero_Hour/ still early acces
06-10, 04:26 Ninwes
There's also Zero Hour, that one should be finished ?
05-10, 18:19 Matt
Yes mate, I fear it will end up like Takedown red sabre.... lets hope not
04-10, 23:10 Castner
Anyway, hope everyone is well!
04-10, 23:09 Castner
Hey folks, long time - no speak, seems like forever since I last got on. I was actually hoping that Ready or Not had made huge strides but to my absolute horror, it looks like a complete waste of time. Maybe too much to hope for!
14-09, 14:47 SpyInBlack
Good to see you back X Its been a while.
13-09, 18:27 sander
surface pro or surfacebook? There is a big diffrence in how the game runs. I think i could cook an egg on my surface pro if i where to game on it
10-09, 23:07 Matt
Yea, missed it also. Would be very keen to get a few rounds with old friends soon
10-09, 23:06 Matt
Dont worry mate, I play perfectly fine on a MS surfacebook with mouse & keyboard!! Sometimes just a mouse!
10-09, 22:22 XmarksTheScot
Was on MYT vip, Sad news about Torq, he was a legend
10-09, 22:21 XmarksTheScot
No worries, Black, be good to get some folks together, however i warn you, im playing on a ms surface with a small bt mouse times have changed im not the master i once was
10-09, 22:18 Black
Aww! I saw the message from Jessica too late, but whenever you're up for a game with some people I'm sure there's a few around here.
10-09, 22:17 XmarksTheScot
Gaming sort of fell out of my life, was lookin at some old games running on an andoird and one thing led to another and im back here playing on the pro server alone again
10-09, 22:15 XmarksTheScot
Just been living life folks, births deaths marriages, job houses all the usual things that happen in a decade and a bit
10-09, 21:52 Matt
What made you dust down SWAT after all this time?
10-09, 21:52 Matt
Great to hear from you mate!!! Hope you are well?
09-09, 02:35 Michael
HOLY CRAP, X where the bleep have you been m8?
08-09, 20:07 Black
Now I really oughta give M1k3 a call and bring the band back together.
08-09, 20:02 Black
*waves* Hi X!
07-09, 05:55 Ninwes
Wow do i spy a x in there :O
06-09, 18:04 XmarksTheScot
Well Hello there peeps


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