Thread: [Swat 4] Tactical Candy: Flexcuffing
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Old 08-05-18, 01:41 AM   #1
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Default Tactical Candy: Flexcuffing

This is something we do all the time, but through observation, it's not really something we take care to do with maximum safety. It's really simple to maximize your safety while performing this common task. There are two general principles that you should consider before equipping your flex-cuffs: 1) Do not block the line of fire of the person covering you. 2) Get your back pointing toward a corner of the room.

Often what we see after a successful clear is a team mate crosses the EL's line of fire and stands directly between the EL and the civilian or suspect and makes the arrest. Even more often, multiple team mates pull out cuffs and leave most of the doors uncovered. Don't laugh! This happens all the time, but it shouldn't. What if that was a suspect? What if he pulled a gun but the EL couldn't fire because the back-up was in his fire line? Now things go from TARFU and to FUBAR in about one eye blink. The back-up and EL should be aware of the movements necessary to ensure fire lines do not get crossed while the back-up gets into position to meet the two guidelines mentioned above: 1) out of the EL's fire line 2) back pointing to a corner. If you really want to get serious, from the moment the individual is in compliance YOU are now responsible for that person's safety. If possible, have the coverman step between the arrestee and the openings he is covering to create a human shield to protect that person. Once the civilian or suspect is secure, the EL can continue to issue subsequent orders. Don't let your guard down just because all occupants are in compliance and don't violate rules of room clearance just because it's currently clear. Have fun and be safe!
Lt.Col 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Commanding Officer--Retired
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