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05-02, 20:20 Dalibor
Hey boss,i see sog on our page
05-02, 20:20 DefCon5
Hey guys is anone up for Vip ?
05-02, 20:20 DefCon5
Hey Dalibro nice to met y here
05-02, 20:15 Dalibor
Big hello from me,I'm glad to see SOG clan is came back in action
05-02, 18:37 Biodome
Thanks, I'll try that
05-02, 18:36 Biodome
Ok, at least the tooltips for the buttons are visible
05-02, 18:36 SpyInBlack
this is how i got it
05-02, 18:36 SpyInBlack
05-02, 18:36 SpyInBlack
not really sure mate
05-02, 18:34 Biodome
All admin panel buttons completely blank after I switched to native resolution. Is there a resolution setting for the GUI as well somewhere that I need to change?
05-02, 18:19 KeeRIeS
your superpowers xd
05-02, 18:19 KeeRIeS
05-02, 18:13 SpyInBlack
yea i see that on the server list ... use your powers xD
05-02, 18:13 Biodome
Vanilla coop server is full of ramboers
05-02, 18:09 SpyInBlack
try it... thats what i done and it worked
05-02, 18:07 Biodome
Only the full screen. I don't run the game in windowed, so I didn't think it was relevant.
05-02, 18:06 SpyInBlack
did you set your ress for everything? not just fullscreen.
05-02, 18:06 Biodome
Curiously, it's fine in vanilla, and is only an issue on TSS
05-02, 18:05 SpyInBlack
try a bit lower ress
05-02, 18:03 Pendy
yeah that happens to me too.
05-02, 18:00 Biodome
blank* spaces
05-02, 18:00 Biodome
Editing the .ini file allows me to change the game resolution to what I want, but it doesn't fix the issue with invisible text. It's visible in the chat once I press enter, but when writing you only see black spaces.
05-02, 17:24 Ninwes
Scripted vo keeries
05-02, 17:18 Hailerer
So... is there a forum that I havent seen with everyones Steamnames?
05-02, 17:16 Hailerer
Hello there


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